Arty Creative Games for Kids Age 2 to 100

Here’s another arty creative game to try with kids or just to do yourself. This is in the same vein as my post on drawings from scribbles and hair.

I just came across this idea here (and in her blog she links to other really fun blogs of the same). Here’s what you do. Draw some random blob with watercolor. Let it dry. Take a pen and make it into something. Here’s what I came up with. And I’ll admit it took four pages for me to get a whole page of them I thought were okay enough to share here (I’ll spare you Elvis Donkey, Upside Down Backpack Man, Rat Dog and the other characters from first few pages 😉 ) Here’s the before and after. Hope they inspire you to a few moments of creativity! It’s pretty addictive.




Extremely Easy, Arty Creative Games for Kids (or Adults)

Here are two extremely easy, fun creative games that take no supplies at all. When I was younger I used to do these both with my middle sister. Hours of entertainment, I’m telling you.

The first may be a bit easier to take. All you need is two people, a piece of paper and a pen. Here’s how it works. The first person makes some random scribble on the page not resembling anything. The second person then has to make that scribble into a picture of something. That’s it. And actually, you don’t even need two people, you can do it by yourself: I did this evening and quite enjoyed myself actually. Here are my results:









The second is, wait for it…drawings made of human hair! On the shower wall! What, you’re not convinced? Well I’m telling you when my sister and I were little, we used to be quite impressed by each others’ hair drawings. Though I will admit it led to a lifelong bad habit of sticking shed hair to the wall during showers. At least that keeps it out of the drain. But anyway, I digress. It works similarly to the scribbles. The random hair stuck on the wall suggests the shape of something. Behold a hare of hair:


Hard to take good photos in the shower.


Here’s a little perspective.

And a slimy frog:



Hope you enjoyed. You probably won’t believe me, but the first idea for a blog I ever had was to do a hair picture every day and post it. Probably for the best I didn’t follow through on that one. With twins, I don’t have time for standing around that long in the shower, anyway. Looking forward to when mine are old enough for drawing.

The Best Baby Game


I heard them laughing in the other room. D was changing Bean’s diaper. “Peekaboo!” he kept saying, “Peekaboo!” so I knew she must have initiated the game again. Then he came into the bedroom holding her and they stood looking at me for a moment, both smiling. She was gripping the bottom of her sweater with one hand. Suddenly she grabbed it with both hands and yanked it up so it covered her face, then lowered it, watching me closely. “Peekaboo!” I shouted. She immediately pulled it up to cover her face again, her arms straight up like a doll’s, exposing her pink polka-dotted onesie belly. The sweater was silver, lightweight, button up the front. Her cheeks flushed, fuzzy hair static from the sweater, so pleased she might burst. I can’t think of a better game than peekaboo.

D says this afternoon he saw M, who had pulled herself up to standing at the toy chest, suddenly let go with both hands and balance, free standing for a brief moment before crashing down.

And at dinner they passed a spoon back and forth, first M grabbing it from B, then B grabbing it back, the whole time both of them laughing away.