Yogurt Fail, and Some Wins


So I guess we’re committed to this solid food thing now; there’s no going back! Tonight the babies had six ounces each, splitting a jar of sweet potato, corn, and apple puree, one of spinach and potato, and half a mashed banana. We’ve been bringing the highchairs to the table while we eat breakfast. Yesterday we had oatmeal and they had oatmeal and some mashed banana. It’s pretty fun.

Today we discovered that Bean hates yogurt. She cried the moment it hit her lips and kept it up each time we tried to offer the spoon. Even the smell of it seemed offensive to her. Mattie liked it okay. We’ll try it again some other time. It is, after all, a completely new food group. Here are the foods they’ve tried so far:





sweet potatoes








butternut squash







Not a bad list. So far everything has been mashed, though they seem to be tolerating textures better. Also, they clearly want to feed themselves. They grab the spoons and practice putting them in their mouths, they grab at the bowls and jars; their little hands are itching for action. I think finger foods are in our near future.

Big Wheels

Yesterday I took the double stroller to KeyFood for the first time. The Double StrollerMobile, the Monkey Mobile. The Big Wheels. For the first few months, every time I’d get the stroller set up with the attachments and two car seats I’d want to start humming the Big Top circus theme.

The good news was I made it into the grocery store through the narrow entry doors without a problem. The bad news was there was no way for me to exit. All of the checkout aisles were too narrow. I bought my milk while the lady behind me in line entertained the twins, and then a guard had to escort me back out the front door.

This is a tandem stroller, not side by side. I wonder what people in wheelchairs do at KeyFood? So I guess that means I’m free of any shopping responsibility until the twins can walk. Or at least, only shopping at Duane Reade drug store, where there are nice wide aisles. So I guess that limits me to beer and candy corns. Could be worse.